Saturday, February 26, 2011

#87 the smell and taste of Brazil

# 87 Sweet smell of Maracuja--the taste of Brazil
Funny how a smell can immediately transport you back in time to a different place....flood you with a million memories... and send a warmth from your head to your toes in a split second....
Today I lifted a glass of juice to my lips and before I could even taste the treat that my husband had surprised us with this morning, I could smell it...and suddenly it was as if I'd gotten in a time machine and gone back many years....I found myself sitting around a table with family and friends in a place so far from home that I'd grown to love....Brazil....drinking a juice I'd learned to love and had only found there......I felt a smile spread wide across my face and I took a moment to remember....
Today #87...I'm thankful for the ability to remember such sweet, rich times that filled my life with joy....for meeting and growing to love some of my favorite people on the entire planet....
I'm very aware as I watch family members age and struggle to hold onto their own memories, what a GIFT it is to be able to remember.......
Thank you Jesus....for precious memories.....for a sweet smell and a taste of delicious fruit that triggered a beautiful start to my day.....

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